The world’s wicked problems are for all of us to solve

Apr 19, 2023

Grace Castillo

Even in my youth, I woke up every day, curious about the whys, whats, and hows of our world. There was always a problem to solve. The thought of not being able to do anything about these problems was nerve wracking. Instead of standing idle, I channeled my frustration into something else. 

What follows seemed more natural than simple. Between a mix of genetics, life as a neurodivergent, and an innate desire to help, my experience has become its own equation that has driven me to start another enterprise - Gifftid Ltd. 

I was born in the Philippines and spent the first half of my life exposed to the challenges of life in the developing world. I have spent the better half of my life in the Global North, where I have been afforded the privilege of building a network and success in a climate that supports and encourages entrepreneurial spirit. Today, I want to bridge both worlds and make an impact more widespread and far reaching. 

I have always envisioned myself to be in the midst of social change. Mission-driven work has continued to play a passive role in my life and today, I want to bring it to the forefront of my career.

Gifftid Ltd is the culmination of decades working in the corporate world as an executive, a start-up founder, and a business leader, and a desire to contribute to social change. Harnessing my experience and learnings, and leveraging a robust network of professionals, I am standing up an organization that believes in the mutual success between social enterprise and big corporations.

In our climate, room must be made for a successful partnership that facilitates gains in accelerating the UN’s SDG goals and accomplish sustainability and its ambitions through co-creation of the Impact Development Plan.

It has only been 6 months since I approached my peers at the Said Business School University of Oxford to form Gifftid Ltd. Together, we continue to learn everyday, validating our hypothesis that solving wicked problems is a collective effort and at Gifftid, we aim to help align the Impact driven interests of social enterprises, the global community, industry experts, advisors and funders alike, by enabling them in our growing digital landscape, through the creation of organizational capacity building platform and toolkits.

Our team at Gifftid is making an ambitious attempt to break down silos, herd and convene people and society to think, feel and live IMPACT to battle the plaguing problems in our midst.

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